DC C0-Lab
National Museum of African History and Culture-
MASS ACTION - Museums as sites for Social Action-
Putting DEI statements into practice:
Drafting a DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) Statement | University of Texas
Are DEI Statements Effective Tools for Foundations? | Grantmakers in the Arts
How to Integrate DEI into Everyday Operations | The Bridgespan Group
Best Practices for Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives | ArtEquity
Continuum on Becoming an Anti-Racist Multicultural Organization | Crossroads Ministry
Equity Resources | Arts & Humanities Council of Montgomery County
Continuum on Becoming a Fully Inclusive Arts and Cultural Organization | Crossroads Ministry
Anti-Racism Resources | Association of Performing Arts Professionals
Arts organizations who incorporate anti-racism into their work:
Closing the opportunity gap:
How to Close the Opportunity Gap: Key Policy Recommendations | Stanford
How to Really Close Opportunity Gaps During our National Racial Reckoning | EducationWeek
Resources on Redlining, Segregation, and Gentrification:
A ‘Forgotten History’ Of How the U.S. Government Segregated America | NPR
Housing Segregation and Opportunity | DC Gov. Office of Planning
Arts and Gentrification: Potential for Change | Americans for the Arts
Abolitionist teaching: